F24 Management

#1 F24 Management


The F24 model creation provides for the load of a new model within which header data can be compiled according to references inserted into the Company table. The VAT period and withholding-tax period are proposed as the current month: for this reason, it will be necessary to indicate the previous month in order to record automatically on declaration both data of periodical VAT settlement and the various tribute codes related to paid compensations. In particular, as regards the VAT settlement, it will be search the period memorized in the 'VAT Paying-In' mask that is located into the financial accounting (where values of settlement can be automatically memorized at the moment of its definitive print procedure: in addition a manual value load is allowed).

Once  having recorded header data it will be possible to activate the 'Propose Values' button that will compile the various lines of the first treasury card. Once having compiled the other declaration sections manually, according to the necessity, or having set the signer and file creation path it will be possible to perform the creation of file thanks to special button that will create a file with name as 'Company VAT Register' + '_' + 'Declaration Number' + '_'+ 'Declaration Date' with F24 extension. If some obligatory data miss, it will be possible to give an error message and the file will not be created.

It is possible to cancel the file creation thanks to the specific management button.

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The list of features is the following:

SaveIt saves the model in use.
Propose ValuesIt performs the data retrieve from VAT paying-in and from withholding-tax of paid compensations.
ViewIt shows the electronic file created.
New DetailIt sets the cursor on the details insertion grid.
Delete DetailIt deletes the selected detail line.
Create Electronic FileIt performs the electronic file creation on the directory set.
Cancel Electronic FileIt deletes the electronic file created.

BuildDate : 07 agosto 2013

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